Shopping lists

Making your weekly shop that little bit simpler
  • Icon for list item

    Version 5.0.0

  • Icon for list item

    Updated 26th January 2024

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Want something to replace your paper shopping list? Want to automate when items are added to your list? Then this app will do these things and more.

Shopping lists is designed to make buying the things you get regularly, such as food, a really simple venture. Store your lists in templates, lets take food as an example, then when you do a shop you can base your list on that template. How does this make things simpler? Well the template can store all the food you would ever buy. Then you can start giving things tags. Only buy this when baking. Only buy summer fruit in the summer months. Salt lasts for 6 months, so once I have bought it do not add it to my list again for 6 months. You can see all the extra benefits of a digital list below.

Ready to upgrade your shopping experience?


  • Use right in your browser, no installation or account required.
  • Lists view that shows all of your lists, ordered by the most recent first.
  • Templates view that lists your templates that lists can be based on. Clothes and food templates can be pre-populated with common items, even choose your diet for food templates (meat, vegetarian etc).
  • Adding lists is super simple and you can either base a list on a template or just be blank.
  • Lists can have a date and number of days it covers, this is super useful with templates so the list knows what items to add from the template.
  • Lists have modes. In pre-shop mode you can easily check off items you do not need. In shop mode you can easily check off items you are buying.
  • If you mark an item as not needed and the item lasts a long time, you will be prompted to set a new date for when it is needed. This stops the app bugging you that you need salt every week when you know it will last another 3 months.
  • If you cannot find an item, mark it as not found. Then it will get added to the next list automatically, no matter the list settings.
  • Many options for when items should appear on a list. You can set how many days it lasts for, what months to buy it in, what shops to buy it at and also any other tags you might want to add.
  • Lists can have sections, great for splitting up large lists.
  • Ability to manually increase quantities of items on a list.
  • Want to add a template item that was not added to the list by default? You can always add any items from the template once a list is created.
  • Supports different size shops. By default all template items are added to a large shop. You can then set additional options, what you want for a small shop, or what items are only ever added manually.
  • When a list is complete save any changes back to the template for next time.
  • Stats showing how a list is going.
  • Login with your free Barking Universe account to enable syncing data between devices, so you can carry on using the app no matter where you are.
  • Optimised to work effortlessly on mobiles, tablets and desktop devices.
  • Works in all modern web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge & Safari) on PC, Mac, Linux, Android & iOS.
  • Option to install the app to use offline anytime (Chrome & Edge only).
  • Purchase a subscription to unlock the full potential of this app.


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App is copyright to James M. Young. App cannot be copied or hosted by anyone else. Please feel free to link to this page.

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