
Take control of your property portfolio and vehicles
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    Version 7.0.0

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    Updated 26th January 2024

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Is keeping track of your properties causing you problems? Finding it hard to remember which tenant owes what when? Then this app will make all these problems go away.

This app will keep track of all your properties, whether they are residential or part of your rental portfolio. Each property can have rentals added to it, which means it works if you rent out a house or individual rooms. Get reminders when rent is due, so you can chase tenants if you need to. You can also get notifications if a rental is empty. Last but not least you can also manage your prized collection of vehicles in this app.

If you are a homeowner or landlord (or a collector of classic cars), then this is the only app you need to get on top of your property portfolio and vehicles.


  • Use right in your browser, no installation or account required.
  • Home view that shows all active tenancies and empty rentals. Tenancies and rentals with actions show in red.
  • Properties view shows all of your properties, ordered A-Z by default.
  • Properties can have rentals added to them. Rentals can be for the whole property, each flat or each room.
  • Properties can have contacts added to them. Great if each property has it's own handyman etc.
  • Properties can have transactions added to them to track mortgage payments, bills, tax etc.
  • Reports for properties showing total income, expenditure and yield per calendar year.
  • Rentals can have tenancies added to them. Rentals can also be made dormant, if you no longer want to rent out a room etc.
  • Tenancies govern the contract with the tenants at the property. Tenancies have a start date, deposit and rent each month. Once a tenancy ends you can set an end date.
  • Tenancies show a summary at the top, with the next rent payment date and the amount due.
  • Ability to change the rent on a future date. You can also automatically calculate the last rent payment for when the tenant leaves.
  • Tenancies can have transactions added to them to track when rent is paid. You can also add rent arrears reductions if required, as well as deposits and deposit returns.
  • Add tenants to tenancies to keep track of their details.
  • Tenants can also have jobs and contacts (references) linked to them, prefect to refer back to later if required.
  • Vehicles view shows all of your vehicles, ordered A-Z by default.
  • Properties and vehicles can have events added to them to remind you to pay bills, renew the mortgage etc. Overdue events show in red.
  • You can sell properties and vehicles, they will then be filtered out by default but they are still stored for future reference.
  • Get daily emails with tenancies that have rent due and empty rentals (can be turned off).
  • Login with your free Barking Universe account to enable syncing data between devices, so you can carry on using the app no matter where you are.
  • Optimised to work effortlessly on mobiles, tablets and desktop devices.
  • Works in all modern web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge & Safari) on PC, Mac, Linux, Android & iOS.
  • Option to install the app to use offline anytime (Chrome & Edge only).
  • Purchase a subscription to unlock the full potential of this app.


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App is copyright to James M. Young. App cannot be copied or hosted by anyone else. Please feel free to link to this page.

Issues running the app? Please check the help & support page to see if this can help you.

If you spot anything that is wrong, have suggestions or comments, then please get in touch on our contact page.